7 things to do when you have too much on your to-do list

written by Jasmine Irven

As someone who is always dreaming about the future, focusing on what my life could look like and thinking about all the things I need or should be doing in order to get there, my to-do list can cause me a lot of unneeded stress and anxiety.

When I feel this anxiety creeping in and clouding my thoughts, judgement, etc., there are a few things I find helpful to tackle this stress, manage my to-do list, and get me back on track:

avoid consumption

One of the main reasons I think I get stuck in these feelings of not being good enough is because I’m consuming too much content. I believe there should always be a focus on creation, rather than consumption. When you’re constantly reading books, listening to podcasts, or comparing yourself to someone on social media, it can be really easy to feel like you aren’t doing enough. Or maybe even that you aren’t doing enough of the right things. Instead, turn off the business podcasts, put down the productivity book, and get off social media. Try reading a fiction book completely for pleasure, listening to relaxing music, or intentionally not doing anything at all.


Along the same lines, try putting your energies towards an alternate creative outlet, unrelated to your work. Sign up for a dance class or simply dance around your house, try tackling a puzzle, cook a new dish, or do some doodling or colouring to take your mind off all that’s going on. It may seem counterintuitive but seriously the biggest breakthroughs come when we give our mind a chance to relax + take a break from whatever is causing us stress.


Another time I feel clearly overwhelmed, occurs when I’m not clear on my goals, or I’ve lost sight of them. It’s SO easy in this day and age (especially thanks to social media) to get sidetracked with the next new thing. But just because you hear a friend going on and on about how great their network marketing is going doesn’t mean that you also need to be doing it! Try getting really clear on what you want your life to look like (p.s maybe it is network marketing - I’m not here to judge! Just as long as it’s what you want to do). .

Some possible journal prompts: what are my values? What do I want the next year to look like? What does my dream life look like? What do I need more of in my life to feel more fulfilled? What do I need less of? What is my number one priority? What is important for me to focus on right now to make the biggest impact in my life? Why? 

brain dump

If I’m just feeling utterly overwhelmed because I have way too much going on in my head, and don’t know where to start, I find it super helpful to sit down with a cup of tea and write down everything that’s on my mind. This brain dump or stream of consciousness writing helps me clear my mind.

Make no judgements about what you’re writing – just freely write. It’s eye-opening to see just how much you’re holding on to. From here I take time to think about what items are important to me that I want to take action on. Then I pick one or two and pick a couple tangible ways I can start to tackle these goals (even if it’s just putting time in my calendar to tackle it later).

This really helps me to get clarity on what I’m thinking and feeling, and helps to relieve the burden of feeling like I need to do everything at once.

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reflect + get grateful

Maybe your anxieties are coming from feelings of not knowing your worth; either comparing yourself to others or to where you thought you ought to be. At this point I think it’s really important to remind yourself just how far you’ve come. Everything you have at one point you probably wished for. Get grateful for where you’re at in your journey. I recommend making a list of all of your “dones”, rather than your “to-dos”, allowing you to look back at all the milestones you’ve accomplished and how much success you’ve already seen.

walk and/or exercise

Exercise is truly incredible in its ability to help us relieve stress, clear our minds, build confidence, and come to new breakthroughs. The resulting energy and feel-good endorphins you experience help you to remain clear as you progress through the rest of your day. Even going on a brisk walk, intentionally avoiding consumption of a podcast, music, etc., can help you to clear your mind and come back refreshed, with better clarity on what matters, and the focus to follow through on your top priority.

talk it out

Bottling up your emotions and stress can cause extreme harm in the body. Your physical body is a manifestation of your internal body, and if you’re holding in constant stress and anxiety, it’s going to wreak havoc on your body. Take time to find a friend, partner, or family member who you can talk to, or consider therapy if you would like a more detached party to talk through your thoughts with. There are a lot of great online versions of therapy now available, like BetterHelp, which can help provide you with an outlet to discuss your stress + anxiety, and can further help you gain clarity on what is truly important to you.

final thoughts

Your to-do list is meant to be a tool to help you, not hinder you. The abundance of content available in our world today is great and can be really beneficial, but if it’s causing you to second guess ever move you make, or evoking feelings of not being good enough due to the ability to constantly compare yourself to others, then it may be time to take a step back. Rather than constantly adding more to your to do list, try trimming away at it. Look at your true priorities, journal on what you want your life to look like, and take time to be present in the moment rather than constantly focusing on the future and where you should be. Your mind and body will thank you for it.

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about the author


Hey there! I’m Jasmine, founder of the Sustainable Bliss Collective, a Certified Meditation Teacher, and lover of all things self-care, slow-living, and personal development.

I believe that ambition and self-care can coexist, and as such I hope to encourage and inspire you to take care of yourself, breathe deeply, connect with who you are, manifest your dreams, enjoy the blissful moments of each day, and make an impact in this beautiful world we call home.

Connect with me on Instagram here!

Jasmine Irven

I help women reduce stress and inflammation through simple, plant-based nutrition, cleansing meditation sessions, and resources to connect mind, body, and soul.


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