ways to start your day

written by Jasmine Irven

I used to love writing posts with ideal schedules; an ideal morning routine, an ideal evening routine, etc., and while I still feel those definitely have their time and place (and love hearing other people’s schedules to get inspo), I’ve realized more and more that any kind of concrete schedule is simply unrealistic.

Every day is different, as are your energy levels, mood, what you feel or don’t feel like doing, how you want to show up, what you want to focus on, and what your schedule looks like.

So, rather than focusing on a more rigid routine, I’ve started blocking off sections of my morning and then leaning into what I feel like doing in the moment.

Generally these sections fall into:

  • slow rise

  • movement

  • organization

So, I thought I’d give you some inspiration by sharing some of the activities I alternate between in my mornings for what I would consider a balance between relaxation and slowness, and productivity.

Let me be clear — I don’t do all of these every day! The goal is to choose 1 from each section, but even that can be challenging sometimes. So take what resonates, but don’t feel pressure to show up in a certain way. Use this for inspo and find some rituals that work for you!

slow rise

The time right after you get up, when it can be easy to simply go on your phone. Instead, using this time to more gradually wake up and approach your day mindfully. Focusing on yourself rather than other people’s opinions. Inviting in slowness rather than the rush and chaos of daily life. Starting the day on your own terms.

mindfully making coffee

Enjoying the smells of the coffee or espresso brewing, sipping it slowly and really appreciating the taste. Coming up with new combinations, feeling myself slowly wake up.

My go-to coffee right now is an iced latte made with almond milk, ice, and 2 shots of espresso.

meditation or deep breathing

Taking 5-10 minutes to relax and focus on my breath. This grounding really helps me to reduce the anxiety around everything that’s on my to-do list for the day. Instead, I’m taking time to rest and fill my own cup first, setting the tone for my day or week.

Try the box breathing technique: breathing in for the count of 4, holding for a count of 4, breathing out for a count of 4, holding for a count of 4. Repeat 3-5 times.

P.s. this is the whole intention of my nourish meditation + journaling classes!

making breakfast

I really love starting my day with some delicious food that is also going to nourish me throughout the day. Breakfast often looks like avocado and hummus toast, and some fruit, and/or a bowl of applesauce, nuts and seeds, and berries.

I like to enjoy this while reading or watching a YouTube video (my “guilty” pleasure recently — I’m addicted to home DIY videos and love the creativity it inspires in me!).


One of my favourite past times! I often like to include reading in my morning routine because if I don’t make time for it in the morning, I find it hard to incorporate into the rest of my day.

Plus, when you’re addicted to personal development and other educational - type books like I am, I find it best to read them in the mornings when I have the motivation to learn, absorb info, and apply it into my day. Currently reading: Limitless by Jim Kwik and What I Know For Sure by Oprah.

reciting affirmations or gratitude

I almost always forget to do these (oops) but I do know the incredible benefit they have!! A few of my favourite affirmations:

  • Everything is working out in my favour

  • I choose to nourish my mind, body, and soul today

  • I am in charge of my life, my thoughts, and my schedule

  • I am grateful for all that I am and all that I have

And, I’m sure we all know the benefits of focusing on gratitude. When you get grateful for what’s already in your life, you feel amazing and you raise your vibration to invite more of that good in!

sitting on the balcony

Especially when the weather is warm, I love to sit out on the balcony to continue sipping my coffee, to let the sun shine on my face, and to get inspired by the hustle and bustle of the city below me.


Movement in the morning feels really good for me and gives me a boost of energy for the rest of my day, so I like to include a decent period of time to move my body in some way.


A good stretch via either Yoga With Adriene (check out this Fresh Start yoga flow or this Wake Up Yoga) or Yoga With Kassandra (check out her morning yoga movement series), is game changing for getting out the aches and kinks you might feel after a long night’s rest.

I always feel 10x better when I check in with myself after the practise, compared to when I first step on the mat.

P.s. we just posted a 20-minute morning yoga flow on my community wellness page @Sustainable Bliss!


This will look very unique to you!

My workouts vary quite a lot but when I can get to our apartment gym and it’s not too busy I like to use the treadmill, stair climber and weights.

Otherwise I’ll do a YouTube dance workout like this one, a HIIT workout like this one (FYI this is intense lol), or a more targeted workout like this ab workout just in my apartment.


While I generally do my walks later in the day, sometimes I am just craving that feeling of accomplishment you get after an early morning walk. The feeling of freshness, of possibilities, and just good vibes you get as you see everyone starting their day is honestly unmatched.

I like to alternate between listening to podcasts and listening to nothing at all to give myself time to think!


Giving myself time to get organized by actually getting ready for the day (as if I were truly going into an office), planning my day, and giving myself the opportunity to set goals has been really transformational in keeping me focused and productive throughout the rest of the day.

skincare routine

After I’ve moved, I like to shower and really take the time to do my skincare routine. I have struggled with my skin for so long, and I know that in the past I was super harsh with it — trying a million products, switching products weekly because something “wasn’t working”, etc.

Now, I try to really make my skincare a ritual. Washing my face for at least a minute, following a regiment curated for me by an aesthetician, and using super natural products that nourish me and my skin.


I often like to include a brain dump in my morning routine because it truly helps me to gain clarity for the day ahead, and make space. There’s something about getting things out of your head and onto paper that truly feels like you’re lifting a weight off of yourself.

I’ll also often write my to-do list during this process so I have some idea of how the day will go and where my priorities are.

planning my calendar

In a similar way, I like to block out the rest of my day to help me to stay on track. While I often end up moving things around (things ALWAYS take longer than you think and things that you weren’t expecting ALWAYS come up), having a general idea of what the flow of my day will look like is very grounding for me, and helps me to stay on task.


This is a more recent addition to my routine, but ever since I started working with coaches, I’ve recognized the importance of really grounding in your visualization and intentions regularly so you don’t lose focus of what’s really important to you and what you’re working towards.

Visualizing things like my future home, the membership community I am building, a future meditation studio, etc., helps me to keep my vision and my why strong and front-of-mind, which keeps me driven and motivated to work on the smaller tasks throughout my day that I know need to get done.

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about the author

Hey there! I’m Jasmine, founder of the Sustainable Bliss Collective, a Certified Meditation Teacher, and lover of all things self-care, slow-living, and personal development.

I believe that ambition and self-care can coexist, and as such I hope to encourage and inspire you to take care of yourself, breathe deeply, connect with who you are, manifest your dreams, enjoy the blissful moments of each day, and make an impact in this beautiful world we call home.

Connect with me on Instagram here!

Jasmine Irven

I help women reduce stress and inflammation through simple, plant-based nutrition, cleansing meditation sessions, and resources to connect mind, body, and soul.


self-care options, whether you have 5, 10, or 30 minutes


18 simple and creative ways to break free from your routine