what's on our 2020 reading list: health, wellness, and personal development books

written by jasmine irven

I used to be such a nerd, in the best possible meaning of the word. I would spend hours devouring a book, staying up all night because each chapter would end on a cliff hanger and I just had to know what happened.

Unfortunately as life happened I got out of the habit of reading, but that’s definitely something I’m trying to change! As a way to hold me accountable, I've prepared my reading list for 2020.

On the list are 11 books related to health, wellness, sustainability, and more intentional living: all exactly what Sustainable Bliss epitomizes.

atomic habits

An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear

No matter your goals, Atomic Habits offers a proven framework for improving - every day…If you're having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn't you. The problem is your system. Bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don't want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change…Here, you'll get a proven system that can take you to new heights.” - Amazon

Simple, sustainable change is what we’re all about here at Sustainable Bliss, so this book is the perfect way to bring in the new year. We’re always looking for new ways to upgrade our systems and mindsets for more success in achieving our big goals and pursuing a life that matters.

the four agreements

A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz

“The four agreements…reveals the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and create needless suffering. Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, The Four Agreements offer a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives to a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love.” - Amazon

I actually already started listening to this book via audible and had to stop because I found I was listening too passively and there were so many takeaways in the book I wanted to really take in. So, I’ve put it on my list for next year. I’m either going to grab the physical copy so I have no choice but to sit down with it, or I’m going to ensure I’m listening to the audiobook at a time and place when I can really absorb and reflect on the content.

the power of now

A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle

“Much more than simple principles and platitudes, the book takes readers on an inspiring spiritual journey to find their true and deepest self and reach the ultimate in personal growth and spirituality: the discovery of truth and light.” - Amazon

I’m actually taking a meditation teacher training come January and I feel like this book will be the perfect way to expand my practice, live in the present, and connect more deeply with myself and my mind. ✨

the alchemist

by Paulo Coelho

The alchemist, “tells the mystical story of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who yearns to travel in search of a worldly treasure. His quest will lead him to riches far different—and far more satisfying—than he ever imagined. Santiago's journey teaches us about the essential wisdom of listening to our hearts, of recognizing opportunity and learning to read the omens strewn along life's path, and, most importantly, to follow our dreams.” - Amazon

Many of my intentions for 2020 revolve around following my dreams and stepping into my higher self, and this book appears to offer a beautiful approach to self-discovery (based on the reviews), so it’s exactly what I need for my personal journey. ✨

you are a badass

How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero

From amazon, “You Are a Badass will help you: identify and change the self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors that stop you from getting what you want, blast past your fears so you can take big exciting risks, figure out how to make some damn money already, learn to love yourself and others, set big goals and reach them - it will basically show you how to create a life you totally love, and how to create it NOW.”

I have nothing to add except that I need all of that ^^ in my life.

the war of art

Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield

“What keeps so many of us from doing what we long to do? Why is there a naysayer within? How can we avoid the roadblocks of any creative endeavor—be it starting up a dream business venture, writing a novel, or painting a masterpiece? Bestselling novelist Steven Pressfield identifies the enemy that every one of us must face, outlines a battle plan to conquer this internal foe, then pinpoints just how to achieve the greatest success.” - Amazon

Noticing a trend in my book picks? I’m always on the lookout for methodologies, explanations, roadmaps, etc., which promise to help me understand a little bit more about that internal battle we all have with ourselves that causes us to second guess ourselves, compare our work to others, and which stops us from living the life we’re meant to. This book is on my list to help me step further into my higher self and tackle all of the negative self talk currently holding me back creatively.

overcoming overwhelm

Dismantle Your Stress from the Inside Out by Samantha Brody ND

“You don't need new ways to manage your stress, you need to prevent it from overwhelming you in the first place." - Samantha Brody

Using her proven and practical techniques, Samantha teaches you how to systematically undo overwhelm, with four simple steps: finding your true north (clarifying what is truly important to you), establishing your foundation (shifting your mindset), taking your overwhelm inventory (determining your causes of stress), and creating and launching your personal plan.

I’m someone who loves a book that comes with a roadmap, and this book promises to do just that. As a big dreamer, I often get overwhelmed by just how much I want to accomplish, and so I’m hoping this book can help me with tools and resources that will help me to overcome that stress and help me to make progress on my goals.

big magic

Creative Living Beyond Fear Hardcover by Elizabeth Gilbert

“Balancing between soulful spirituality and cheerful pragmatism, Gilbert encourages us to uncover the “strange jewels” that are hidden within each of us. Whether we are looking to write a book, make art, find new ways to address challenges in our work, embark on a dream long deferred, or simply infuse our everyday lives with more mindfulness and passion, Big Magic cracks open a world of wonder and joy.” - Amazon

As someone delving further & further into the creative world mostly via my writing on Sustainable Bliss and my personal journaling process, this book is something i’m super excited about. The description, “infusing our everyday lives with more mindfulness and passion” speaks to me SO strongly I need to learn more!

how not to die

Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease by Michael Greger with Gene Stone

How Not to Die, “examines the fifteen top causes of premature death in America & explains how nutritional and lifestyle interventions can sometimes trump prescription pills and other pharmaceutical and surgical approaches to help prevent and reverse these diseases, freeing us to live healthier lives.” - Amazon

I’ve made a commitment to honour myself and take control of my health and wellbeing, and I’m bringing this into 2020. This means being aware of the choices I’m making every day & ensuring I’m being intentional about how I’m treating my body. This book will go hand-in-hand with my nutrition studies (I’m in the process of becoming a holistic nutrition coach) and will help me to be more knowledgeable in my own life and in my future coaching practice.

beyond the pill

A 30-Day Program to Balance Your Hormones, Reclaim Your Body, and Reverse the Dangerous Side Effects of the Birth Control Pill by Jolene Brighten

From Amazon, “Beyond the Pill is an actionable plan for taking control, and will help readers:

  • Locate the root cause of their hormonal issues, like estrogen dominance, low testosterone, and low progesterone

  • Discover a pain-free, manageable period free of cramps, acne, stress, or PMS without the harmful side effects that come with the pill

  • Detox the liver, support the adrenals and thyroid, heal the gut, reverse metabolic mayhem, boost fertility, and enhance mood

Featuring simple diet and lifestyle interventions, Beyond the Pill  is the first step to reversing the risky side effects of the pill, finally finding hormonal health, and getting your badass self back.”

Ummmmmm yes please?! After coming off the pill in early 2019 I’ve experienced all of it - my acne has been out of control, I’ve had intense sugar cravings, my period is all over the place, and I know my hormones are completely out of balance. I’ve experienced adrenal fatigue, am struggling with hashimoto’s disease (a thyroid disorder), and have been told I have PCOS. And, I’ve decided I’m not going back to synthetic hormones (no judgement if you are!! I’d just really like to get to the root of my issues as naturally as possible). Balancing my hormones is something I’ve been working with my nutritionist on but I’d love to have a better understanding of what’s happening myself and this book comes highly acclaimed in helping people do just that.

the more of less

Finding the Life You Want Under Everything You Own by Joshua Becker

From Amazon, this book is said to help us:

• Recognize the life-giving benefits of owning less
• Realize how all the stuff you own is keeping you from pursuing your dreams
• Craft a personal, practical approach to decluttering your home and life

”The beauty of minimalism isn’t in what it takes away. It’s in what it gives.” - Amazon

I’ve come a long way on my journey of learning to love owning less, but I’m always looking for new perspectives and ideas around just how powerful minimalism is. I’m looking to dive deeper & I’m hoping this book will help me to separate myself from embedded beliefs that my worth is not tied to what I own.

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about the author


Hey there! I’m Jasmine, founder of the Sustainable Bliss Collective, a Certified Meditation Teacher, and lover of all things self-care, slow-living, and personal development.

I believe that ambition and self-care can coexist, and as such I hope to encourage and inspire you to take care of yourself, breathe deeply, connect with who you are, manifest your dreams, enjoy the blissful moments of each day, and make an impact in this beautiful world we call home.

Connect with me on Instagram here!

Jasmine Irven

I help women reduce stress and inflammation through simple, plant-based nutrition, cleansing meditation sessions, and resources to connect mind, body, and soul.


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