looking ahead: community intentions for 2021

written by Jasmine Irven; collaborators for post linked below

The new year is here, and if you’re anything like me you love and are leaning into that feeling of a clean slate, and the endless opportunities that come with it – the chance to close one chapter and open another, shift our trajectory, make new connections, break up with bad habits, and embody new mindset shifts. 

The new year is filled with opportunities to review your previous year, and set goals for the future. And while I am all for tangible, measurable goals, I also think there are a lot of intangible qualities that the new year gives us the opportunity to cultivate.

If 2020 taught us anything it was that there is a lot in this world that is outside of our control. We can however control our own actions and energy output, and that’s really what setting intentions is about: looking at what areas of your life need a little more attention, and resolving to focus your energy here. 

I recently asked some members of our community what their intentions are for this upcoming year, and the below is what they shared.

I hope that you’re able to find a source of inspiration and connection in the content, and would encourage you to also share your own intention in the comments! 


2020 has changed my outlook on life. It's fascinating how much we take for granted—even focusing on things like the warmth of the sun shining on our face, breathing, a hug from our loved ones, or leaving our home to go out into the world and returning home. You don't realize how much you took something for granted until you are in a global pandemic and restricted from doing the things you once did before with no problem.

Being a new wife and mom during a pandemic has taught me to appreciate life more than before. Being a stay at home mom, sometimes I lose sight of how grateful I am because I do not have to leave home to put my health at risk. Still, I remind myself that gratitude is the key to improve health, helping individuals feel more positive, build strong relationships, having a good quality of life; the list goes on and on.  I intend to increase my practice of gratitude to reach my highest potential in life. 

In 2021, I want to live a life filled with gratitude, so the first and last thing I will do for the day is saying, "thank you." Writing in my gratitude journal every day to show my appreciation for life. Also, whenever family and friends can surround me to be in the moment. 

Bre`Anna Smith, MHRM, Founder of The Self Zone 

shifting my perspective on happiness (from future to present)

Myself - and I suspect many others too - feel that they are always looking into the future to fulfil their dreams. "When I have this I will be happy", "When I do that I will feel satisfied" etc. The harsh reality - as we have all learned from COVID especially but also many other normal occurrences in life - is that life is imperfect and sucks sometimes. Life has setbacks and is extremely unpredictable. 

Even if you plan everything to the T, most things don't go as planned. This is life here on earth. It always will have its highs AND lows. But that is also kind of the beauty of life, the spontaneity of it all. This year I am changing my intention of having the perfect life to cultivating perfect memories big or small.

I hope that by changing my focus on where my happiness lies from the future to the present will also have many other benefits such as reducing anxiety and pressure, and increasing my resilience when life throws me lemons. 

It's still okay to have plans for our life and things to look forward to, but our happiness cannot be based on what is to come. It needs to be based on our now. 

So, instead of thinking I will be happy once COVID is over, I choose to play board games with family, create my own at home cafe vibe so I can be productive, learn how to cook something new, do something for my partner that will make him smile, and join a group with a friend to help better myself and stay connected. 

Cheers to a healthy and happy year of 2021 everybody!

Ashley Olheiser, Founder and Nutritionist & Healthy Lifestyle Coach of Nuts For Nutrition


My intention for 2021 is to invite more connection into my life. I desire to bring women together. I want to continue to facilitate circles and provide a safe space for women to share their struggles, their wins and their goals and dreams. I want them to feel SEEN AND HEARD fully in their vulnerability and authenticity. There is deep healing that occurs with sharing your story. 

Although online connection has been very much needed in 2020, I am excited to gather women together in person in 2021!

I intend on cultivating strong soul aligned friendships. I am calling in divine sisterhood. I have so much love to give and share. My intention is to surround myself with positive and uplifting connections!

Sahej, Women’s Circle Facilitator and Founder of Inspired Life & Co

personal growth 

Not exclusive to this year, I think that personal growth is a lifelong journey. However, I am resolving to focus on it as a stronger intention in 2021. 

This past year I stepped into a coaching and facilitator role in the wellness world that I didn’t really predict for myself in years prior. I have absolutely loved showing up in this way for those in my community, and intend to keep showing up in this way, expanding my offerings and honing in on my soulful purpose. 

However in the midst of showing up for others I have found myself sometimes letting my own wellness fall to the side in service to others. I know that in order to be even more impactful and powerful in a leadership role I need to be strong in my values. I need to develop stronger boundaries and work to protect my energy. I need to make myself a priority. And I need to give myself the time and space I need to listen to my intuition. 

Jasmine Irven, Meditation Teacher, Wellness Coach & Founder of Sustainable Bliss Collective 

reflection + implementation 

Take what resonates and leave the rest. It’s impossible to make every change you want to make in your life simultaneously. The idea behind sustainable bliss is to curate intentional habits + routines that are small but sustainable - meaning you keep up with them and aren’t overwhelmed by them. 

No one needs a laundry list of things they aren’t doing, so instead of seeing this post as that, pick 1-2 that really resonate with you (or journal on your own using the prompts below) and then determine a couple ways you can begin implementing them today!

Consider WHY the intention is important to you specifically, rather than just choosing one that sounds nice (harder said than done, I know!).

exercises + journal prompts for clarity 

If you aren’t sure what intentions to focus on, here are a few exercises and prompts to help: 

  • future vs. current self: essentially I want you to journal about the differences between the person you are and who you’d like to become, and find mindset shifts you’d like to make in that comparison. 

  • goal-setting: such an important practise (in my mind) for truly envisioning what your dream life looks like and making sustainable + focused goals you can action today to bring you closer to your dream life. 

  • what do you want to bring more of into your life this year? 

  • what 3 words do you want to embody in 2021?

  • what areas of focus need more support in 2021 (finance, self-care, relationships, etc.)?

  • how can you create more space and time for this? 

get involved  

I’m looking to make Sustainable Bliss a super collaborative community where we can all share insights, and cultivate supportive relationships with others interested in the same content as us. Looking to get involved? Fill out this form!

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Jasmine Irven

I help women reduce stress and inflammation through simple, plant-based nutrition, cleansing meditation sessions, and resources to connect mind, body, and soul.


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