how to reset your life with 14 days of self-care

written by Jasmine Irven

on the concept of reseting

Sometimes, when we’re in a slump and can’t find the motivation to do anything, or have so much going on that we’re feeling frustrated and overwhelmed, we feel like we need to push a reset button.

A button that would allow us to go back and practise some of the self-care practises we talk so highly about:

  • saying no to the things that we don’t want to do or don’t have time to but said yes to out of obligation (because remember, when you say yes to others, ensure you’re not saying no to yourself in the process)

  • setting boundaries that reflect your core values and beliefs: once you get clear on what matters to you, you can better establish boundaries that make the most sense and the most impact in your life (more on that here)

  • taking some time to unwind and rest


Though I can’t give you a reset button, I have compiled a list of 14 ways you can reconnect with yourself, stay motivated, and create rituals and routines that bring you peace.

I’d invite you to use these as a personal self-care challenge. Can you commit to doing one of these each day for the next 2 weeks? I know you’re capable.

If you do, be sure to tag us on Instagram @sustainableblissco!

And, as we spoke about in this blog, self-care is unique to you. So, feel free to take what resonates on this list and leave the rest! It’s important to have your own list of ideas, self-care practises, and steps you can take when you’re feeling off; a list we call your sustainable bliss list.

day 1: 10 minutes of meditation

Search online for a guided meditation, or simply put on a meditation playlist and follow this general outline: sit comfortably, lengthen your spine, relax your facial features, drop your shoulders, feel the sensations of your inhalations & exhalations, and when you catch your mind wandering (it will wander), forgive yourself and bring the attention back to your breath.

day 2: 10 minutes of journaling

Grab a journal, make yourself a cup of tea, and sit down for at least 10 minutes of uninterrupted journaling and daydreaming. Use some self-discovery prompts like:

  • What are my values?

  • How can I align myself more with these values?

  • What do I want the next year of my life to look like?

  • What can I do to bring more happiness to my day?

day 3: social media cleanse

Complete a social media cleanse. Go through your social media accounts and unfriend or unfollow any accounts that don’t bring you joy.

Ask yourself:

  • Is this person still in my life?

  • Am I following this person/account because I want to or because I feel I have to?

  • Do I enjoy the content on this account?

day 4: 10 minutes of movement

Complete at least 10 minutes of movement (though you can obviously do more!). Go on a walk, dance, search online for a workout video - whatever makes you happy!

day 5: cook

Cook a nourishing (preferably plant-based) meal. Make it fun! Put on a playlist and invite your family to help you out. Be sure to choose a meal which has a variety of whole foods so you’re getting the nutrients you need to stay healthy.

day 6: connect with nature

Spend at least 10 minutes outside (in whatever capacity is safe & resonates with you the most) or open the windows in your space for at least 10 minutes. Take 5 long, deep breaths. Let your mind wander. Feel the sunshine on your skin, and the ground beneath your feet.

day 7: learn something new

Make a list of things you’ve always been interested in learning more about! Maybe it’s a new skill you’re looking to cultivate, a language you want to learn, a topic you have yet to explore, or a hobby you’ve always been intrigued by. Then, pick one of these and watch a video or pick-up a book about it!

day 8: craft your ideal nighttime routine

Sit down and truly reflect on what your ideal nighttime routine looks like. Ask yourself: how can I connect with myself on a deeper level daily? Where can I make space in my day for the things I love? Then make a plan of action and begin incorporating these things into your day.

Be REALISTIC. Don’t overwhelm yourself right away. Try implementing one thing from your routine tonight!

day 9: craft your ideal morning routine

Sit down and truly reflect on what your ideal morning routine looks like. Ask yourself: what brings me deep joy? Then, make a plan of action. Again, don't overwhelm yourself! Maybe start by waking up 15 minutes earlier to go for a walk around the block, or to sit with your coffee.

Try implementing one thing from your routine tomorrow!

day 10: get creative

Allow yourself to explore a creative outlet you’ve been neglecting. To create without judgement or comparison, but instead with love and compassion and excitement.

day 11: disconnect

Find a form of disconnection that works for you. Consider turning your phone on do not disturb for the entire day, turning off notifications, or turning off your phone completely for an hour and putting it in a drawer (or for 3 hours. Or 7). Then ask yourself, what will I have time for now that I’m not distracted?

day 12: explore breathwork as a powerful tool for release

Follow along with a guided YouTube video, or try some simple box breathing: close your eyes and breathe in for 4, hold for 4, breathe out for 4, hold for 4. Repeat 5-7 times.

day 13: declutter

Take some time today to go through an area or group of items you’ve been meaning to sort through for a while! This could be anything from your phone apps to emails, to your book collection, to your bathroom or closet. This process doesn’t need to be challenging. If you’re finding it overwhelming, consider setting aside the time to just get rid of 5 things in this space.

day 14: find a focus

Today I simply want you to ask yourself: what matters today? Get really clear about how you’re feeling, and consider setting an intention for the day. Then look at your schedule and ask yourself how you can nourish that intention and focus.

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about the author


Hey there! I’m Jasmine, founder of the Sustainable Bliss Collective, a Certified Meditation Teacher, and lover of all things self-care, slow-living, and personal development.

I believe that ambition and self-care can coexist, and as such I hope to encourage and inspire you to take care of yourself, breathe deeply, connect with who you are, manifest your dreams, enjoy the blissful moments of each day, and make an impact in this beautiful world we call home.

Connect with me on Instagram here!

Jasmine Irven

I help women reduce stress and inflammation through simple, plant-based nutrition, cleansing meditation sessions, and resources to connect mind, body, and soul.

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