simple ways to transition to the fall season (mind, body & soul)

written by Jasmine Irven

Fall is officially here and I’m welcoming it with open arms and cozy sweaters. To me the Autumn season is almost like the start of the new year: crisp, fresh air, and new beginnings, but also brings back nostalgia, feelings of comfort and security, and a sense of coziness.

Along with these feelings of welcoming; a coming home, the season also brings the opportunity to re-establish a connection with oneself and the environment around you, to shift with the season and in doing so become more in tune with nature and with yourself — creating rituals and routines that feel good to YOU.

So often we can find ourselves eating the same things month after month, feeling pressure to do a certain kind of exercise bc it’s what’s “on trend”, or feeling stuck in our routines because we haven’t allowed ourself any flow or flexibility with them.

Just like nature, humans are in a constant state of flux. We’re constantly changing and that means what we need and what we want are also changing.

Learn to lean into the seasons. Lean into your intuition. Ask yourself what would make you feel amazing in this new season. Use it as a fresh start. Reflect and be intentional with how you show up and move forward this season. And always, be kind + give yourself grace throughout.

Here are a few ways to welcome in the Fall with your full mind, body, and soul.

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shift your diet

Beginning to transition the physical body to be in greater alignment with the change of seasons means focusing on warm and comforting foods and drink to coincide with the welcoming of the cooler weather. Some simple ways to do this: 

  • Clean out your fridge and cupboards to get rid of any foods that are past expiry, or that no longer serve this season of your life. 

  • Ask your body what it’s craving. Most likely? Warm drinks and foods - teas, lattes, soups, and these warmer foods are exactly what your body needs in the cooler months as our bodies are looking for warm, comforting foods that will rebalance our emotional and physical bodies.

  • Add in more warming spices like cinnamon and nutmeg.

  • Focus on consuming seasonal foods meaning foods that are available and grown locally - this not only keeps us attuned to Earth and the cycles of nature but gives us potentially the cleanest foods, as fewer chemicals are needed to store/ ship them. Some Fall in-season foods include pumpkin, apples, pears, and potatoes (but check your area because these vary!).

try new movement

Welcome in the new season by shifting the type of exercise you’re doing! This allows for new energy flow and can help reduce feelings of stagnation. Consider starting a new exercise routine that involves seasonal activities:

  • Trail running

  • Hiking in nature (the Fall leaves make it a perfect time to hike!)

  • Raking leaves

  • Biking 

  • Pilates and/or yoga (great for relieving stress)

  • Stretching (be kind to your body!)

shift your sleep schedule

Cooler weather also means the days start to shorten, which can be a good indication that it’s time to shift your sleep schedule!

Whether you’re getting back into a routine because you’re starting a new job, signing a new lease, or going back to school, our circadian rhythms may need a slight shift to coincide with the natural hours of daylight.

If you found yourself going to bed late in the summer, see if you can slowly shift your internal clock to start going to bed earlier.


clean, declutter, & refresh your space

We can’t welcome in the new when there’s no space to do so! Each season offers a new opportunity to reflect on what’s currently taking up space in your life, and what you’re ready to let go of.

In terms of your physical space, taking the time to minimize by getting rid of items that no longer serve you can really help your space transform energetically. Be honest with yourself when going through your items: does it serve a purpose? Does it make you happy?

Then, bring in a few items that represent the new season to you: Fall decor, warm sheets or bedding, scented candles, etc.

do a digital cleanse

Go through your computer images, online files and folders, your Google drive, SD or memory cards, hard drives, your desktop, apps on your phone, old messages, email subscriptions, digital notes, etc.

Delete what you no longer need and/ or anything that’s not a good use of your time, organize what you do need so you can easily find it, and back up everything that’s important to you on an external harddrive, or an online platform like Google drive. 

do a social media cleanse

Social media can be a great tool for inspiration and connection, but if the accounts you follow create more stress and anxiety than joy, it’s likely going to impact your mental health more negatively than positively.

Go through your social media accounts and unfriend or unfollow any accounts that don’t bring you joy. Consider: is this person still in my life? Am I following this account because I want to or because I feel I need to? Do I enjoy the content on this account? Does it align with my values? 

create a seasonal playlist

A simple way to get yourself in the Fall spirit is welcoming in new (or classic) songs! Make a playlist and have it on shuffle in your space.

create a fall bucket list

What would make you happy this season? Create a bucket list of the seasonal activities you’d like to complete. Fall bucket lists often contain things like apple and pumpkin picking, baking, watching horror films, curling up with a blanket and a new book, drinking tea, or going on a hike.


journal + reflect

New seasons are a great time to reflect on your goals and intentions for the year. Look back with awareness, rather than judgement.

set intentions

Ask yourself what you’d like to make space for moving forward into this season. Often this means reflecting on your values and what areas you feel need a little more nourishment in your life moving forward. Then, give yourself a few tangible ways to shift your energy and make room for these intentions to flourish.

connect with family + friends

The Fall season is home to a number of holidays, and so if you can and it’s safe to do so, look at how you can further connect with family and friends this season to really nourish those feelings of comfort and nostalgia. If it can’t be in person, make an effort to connect digitally to share laughter and love.

express gratitude

Write down 3-5 things you’re grateful for right now. Rather than continually waiting for that *next thing * to make you happy/ satisfied/ relieved (insert feeling of validation here) – focus on what you already have. 

This will help to bring awareness to how beautiful life is in the moment, and will help to take some of the pressure off of you. It will also help you to appreciate this season that you’re in currently, rather than rushing to the next thing.

Share what you're grateful for with me by commenting on this post or tagging us on IG!

Wishing you all a beautiful Fall season.


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about the author

Hey there! I’m Jasmine, founder of the Sustainable Bliss Collective, a Certified Meditation Teacher, and lover of all things self-care, slow-living, and personal development.

I believe that ambition and self-care can coexist, and as such I hope to encourage and inspire you to take care of yourself, breathe deeply, connect with who you are, manifest your dreams, enjoy the blissful moments of each day, and make an impact in this beautiful world we call home.

Connect with me on Instagram here!

Jasmine Irven

I help women reduce stress and inflammation through simple, plant-based nutrition, cleansing meditation sessions, and resources to connect mind, body, and soul.

99 things to be grateful for


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