99 things to be grateful for

written by Jasmine Irven

Do you practise gratitude regularly? It can seem like a small and maybe even unimportant self-care practise because it seems so obvious; there is always so much to be grateful for.

But the reality is we often don’t take the time to intentionally reflect on what it is that we’re appreciative of. There is so much that we simply take for granted in our day-to-day, and it’s often only when something shifts or is taken away from us that we begin to recognize how much that *thing * was providing us (ease, comfort, love, support, etc.).

hedonic adaptation + gratitude

If you’re familiar with the concept of hedonic adaptation, it comes into play here. Essentially this is the idea that we get used to things over time and so they no longer have the same excitement they used to (similar to the concept of diminishing returns!).

If you’ve ever gotten a raise at work before you might be familiar with the feeling: you’re super excited to get the raise at the beginning, but after a few months of having it, the excitement wears off because you’ve adapted your lifestyle to fit that new level of income. Maybe you’re going out to eat more, or maybe you moved into a bigger apartment, and so really the additional money doesn’t seem that great anymore: your baseline has changed.

As we get more and more comfortable with everything we have in our life, we often don’t show as much gratitude for the small things that we were once so excited about!

Consider where you were 3-5 years ago.

What’s currently in your life that back then you only dreamed of? This is often a great starting point to begin getting your wheels spinning of all that you’re grateful for.

And if you need some more inspiration, here are 99 examples of things to be grateful for.

(P.s. not all will resonate and that’s okay! Use what does resonate and then simply create your own list using this as a starting point.)

99 things to be grateful for

  1. Friends who support you.

  2. Family who you can talk to.

  3. The opportunities the online world offers to connect with new people (in case you haven’t found your people who quite understand you yet).

  4. People who taught you who you didn’t want to be or be around.

  5. People who have inspired you.

  6. Meaningful compliments.

  7. Someone who encouraged you to keep going.

  8. Someone who didn’t support you and lit a fire underneath you to prove them wrong.

  9. Memories that have a special place in your heart.

  10. Pets who offer you unconditional love.

  11. A curious mind.

  12. The sparks of inspiration that come when you give your mind time to wander.

  13. Time spent with others.

  14. Time spent in solitude.

  15. Education (free and paid).

  16. The amount of content available for you to consume.

  17. A favourite song.

  18. Songs that make you want to dance.

  19. Songs that make you cry.

  20. Podcasts.

  21. Fiction books.

  22. Non-fiction books.

  23. Poetry.

  24. Painting.

  25. Colouring.

  26. Your senses.

  27. Long, deep inhales.

  28. Full exhales.

  29. Long walks outdoors.

  30. Days spent inside.

  31. The beach.

  32. The mountains.

  33. The peace of the forest.

  34. The sounds + inspiration of the city.

  35. Creativity.

  36. The sound of laughter.

  37. The times you’ve laughed so hard you cried.

  38. The times you’ve cried so hard you end up laughing.

  39. That feeling when you’re in flow + everything else falls away.

  40. The taste of nourishing food.

  41. The smell of a delicious meal or dessert.

  42. When you can cook a meal slowly and experiment in the kitchen.

  43. Trying a new recipe.

  44. Chocolate.

  45. The refreshing taste of water.

  46. Your morning coffee.

  47. Freshly washed sheets.

  48. A warm, evening cup of tea.

  49. The sunshine.

  50. Rainy days that invite you to go inwards.

  51. Warm blankets and cozy pillows.

  52. A comfy bed.

  53. A particularly insightful journaling session.

  54. Meditation.

  55. Sit-coms.

  56. Days off from work.

  57. Weekends + holidays.

  58. Days you feel inspired at work.

  59. Long conversations.

  60. A small interaction with someone in public.

  61. An exchanged smile.

  62. A long hug.

  63. Cuddles.

  64. A deep stretch.

  65. Your breath.

  66. The air you’re breathing.

  67. Your body.

  68. Your health.

  69. The feeling after a great workout.

  70. A good night’s rest.

  71. The quiet of the morning.

  72. The chance to sleep in.

  73. A soothing bath.

  74. A warm shower.

  75. A quick dip in the lake.

  76. Sunrise.

  77. Sunset.

  78. The sounds of nature (birds chirping, rain falling).

  79. Ocean waves and warm sand.

  80. A crackling fire.

  81. Electricity.

  82. Technology.

  83. The internet.

  84. Wherever you call home, having a place to call home.

  85. Having a car.

  86. The ability to travel.

  87. Your health.

  88. Comfortable shoes.

  89. Clothes.

  90. Having a paycheque.

  91. Getting scrappy during the times you don’t have a paycheque.

  92. Freedom of choice.

  93. The variety of options and conveniences available to you.

  94. The work, inventions, and struggles of so many others that have come before you (which allow you to live the life you have).

  95. Lessons learnt.

  96. Favours you’ve done.

  97. Favours you’ve been on the receiving end of.

  98. New experiences.

  99. For all the things that make you unique.

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about the author

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Hey there! I’m Jasmine, founder of the Sustainable Bliss Collective, a Certified Meditation Teacher, and lover of all things self-care, slow-living, and personal development.

I believe that ambition and self-care can coexist, and as such I hope to encourage and inspire you to take care of yourself, breathe deeply, connect with who you are, manifest your dreams, enjoy the blissful moments of each day, and make an impact in this beautiful world we call home.

Connect with me on Instagram here!

Jasmine Irven

I help women reduce stress and inflammation through simple, plant-based nutrition, cleansing meditation sessions, and resources to connect mind, body, and soul.


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