18 simple and natural ways to reduce stress

written by jasmine irven

Stress is something that’s oh too common in our fast-paced modern lives. We often feel like our bodies and our minds are full: whether that’s because of stresses at work or home, or navigating the unknowns and uncertainties of this time. But you deserve to relax!

Excess cortisol (the stress hormone) can lead to increased blood pressure, inflammation, weight gain, fatigue, a decreased immune system, and mental health concerns like anxiety. 

Now, don’t get me wrong, stress serves a very important physiological response as it activates our sympathetic nervous system response; our "fight or flight" response.

This is particularly helpful in times of trouble or when we think about historically when our ancestors had to worry about encountering a lion when they stepped outside of their cave each day.

But today our stresses today are mental not physical, and these mental tigers create constant low-grade and chronic stress in our lives.

We ruminate in these negative thoughts and emotions as we continually remember events, worry about the future, or dwell on the past. 

So, we’ve curated a list of 18 simple, natural, and healthy practises and rituals that can help you to rebalance some of this excess tension; to release things we no longer need, to let go of emotions, and disengage from the stressful thoughts we create for ourselves. 

Take a deep breath in. A deep breath out. And let’s dive in.

1. write it down

Complete a brain dump (aka word vomit everything you’re thinking and feeling on the page), journal with some targeted stress-relief prompts (what’s overwhelming me? What can I choose to participate in besides these overwhelming thoughts? How can I shift my perspective? How can I show myself more love?), or create a to-do list (the simple act of writing down what needs to get done and working through things line by line can provide a sense of calm and clarity rather than overwhelm). 

2. have a list of self-care favourites 

You know yourself best! What makes you feel incredible? Where do you feel most at peace?

Make a list of all of your favourite rituals, practises, and routines, and refer to this whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed.

These are things you can rely on to bring yourself a little care and love in times of stress, so nothing is off limits. Vary the activities in terms of time so you can have something to lean on whether you have 5 minutes or an hour. 

3. take a bath or shower 

The best “mini-reset.” It’s amazing what a little physical cleanse can do for your entire energetic being.

When you shower, visualize the water washing away your stress and anxiety, focusing on the feeling of the water on your skin. Envision the shower washing your negative thoughts away, leaving you, and swirling down the drain.  

4. connect with nature

Nature is the most natural stress reliever (is that a pun?). So, go on a walk, sip your tea on the patio, open a window to let some fresh air in, or talk to a plant. No judgement here! Do whatever makes you feel good.

5. make some tea

The simple act of preparing your favourite drink, especially something warm like an herbal tea or latte can give your brain a moment of peace and relaxation. Take your time. Be present in the moment, and sip your drink slowly, savouring the moment.

6. get creative

Turn to a creative hobby or passion, or consider exploring a new creative endeavour. Creativity allows you to focus, feel in control, and drop into a flow state where you’re able to take your mind off whatever was causing your stress. Colour. Paint. Cook. Draw. Journal. Sing. Dance. Find a creative outlet. 

7. step away from any triggers 

Learn to recognize your personal tipping point. For me, when I'm stressed, I notice tension in my jaw, my tongue, and my shoulders; I feel my heart begin to beat a little faster, and I begin to feel some discomfort.

When I feel these physical signs of stress, I know it’s time for me to take a look at what could be causing the stress and step away: turning off the news, shutting my laptop, or getting off social media. 

8. meditate 

Meditation involves coming inward; recognizing that you’re all you need; that you can find complete joy, happiness, and love within yourself.

It involves clearing negative energy; clearing the chaos that often ensues in our minds, and offering a way to reduce stress, to view what’s happening in our mind without judgement.⁣

In addition to these immediate effects, meditation also has long-term effects on anxiety levels, as the continuous practise has actually been shown to change the brain. For simple guided meditations be sure to check out my Instagram page, or join our self-care membership for access to recurring weekly sessions!

9. take 3 cleansing breaths 

Breathe in, inhaling warmth, love, and light, calling in whatever it is you need in the current moment.⁣ Breathe out, exhaling all of the negative emotions, bottled up feelings, stresses and anxieties you may be feeling.

Repeat at least 3 times, each time bringing in more support with your inhale and letting go of things that don’t serve you on your exhale.

10. stretch 

Connect with your body and increase awareness with a quick, 10 minute stretch. Stretching can help you feel into any areas of tension and release them, not only relieving any physical stress that may be taking a toll on your body, but shifting your mental state as well. Breathe throughout. Be present in the practise. Note how you feel before and after. 

11. do a quick body scan

Tune into your body for a quick body scan. You deserve it. Start at the top of your head and scan your entire body. Notice any tensions present and see if you can make small adjustments to relieve them.

If you can’t, accept them, notice them, direct your breath to that area for a moment or two, and then move on.⁣ Breathe through this practise, directing your breath throughout the body.

Thank yourself for giving yourself this time to unwind and reset.⁣ Save this Instagram post to always have a simple body scan practice handy.

12. listen to music 

Turn on a song you love and give yourself the freedom to let go! Sing and dance, or simply sway to the sounds. You can also consider exploring binaural beats in the alpha frequencies (8-13hz) to reduce stress and encourage relaxation. More about binaural beats in this post.

13. talk it out 

Humans rely on social connection and community, so having people you can turn to to talk through your feelings can be extremely beneficial. Share what’s going on and get a new perspective on things.

No one to talk to? No worries! Talk out loud to yourself or a pet, relaying what’s causing your stress, what your options are, and if there’s anything you can do to relieve the stress. 

Enroll in the Herbal Self-Care for Stress Management Course

14. laugh 

We all know laughter feels good, but unfortunately we don’t seem to experience it as much as we could! Laughter reduces the level of stress hormones like cortisol, adrenaline, and dopamine, while also increasing levels of healthy hormones like endorphins.

Laughter provides a physical and emotional release, so turn to it when you’re feeling stressed! Watch a funny YouTube video, a Netflix series that always has you cracking up, or a comedic special. 

15. focus on consuming a nutrient dense diet 

We all feel the effects of an unhealthy diet. If you’re finding yourself often dealing with stress, the problem may be a hormonal imbalance due to lack of nutrients, high or low blood sugar levels, or high levels of inflammation.

Opt for a diet full of whole grains, vegetables, fruit, healthy fats like olive oil, nuts and seeds. A mainly plant-based, whole foods diet can increase fiber, antioxidants, and phytonutrients, while reducing inflammatory foods like processed sugar, caffeine, and alcohol. 

16. exercise 

Movement is a great way to get the energy flowing within your body, but ensure the exercise makes you feel good! You should leave your workout feeling refreshed, energized, and happy.

If you often feel depleted or exhausted you may be placing additional and unnecessary physical stress on your body. 

17. explore adaptogens

Herbs like ashwaganda, holy basil, and cordyceps have all been proven to lower cortisol levels (but ensure they’re right for you by chatting with your health-care professional!). These can be taken in supplement form, or found in certain lattes and drinks like this Foursigmatic mushroom coffee

18. light a candle or diffuse incense 

Aromatherapy is an ancient method of healing that uses scents to promote health and wellbeing. For stress, consider choosing a scent like lavender which is shown to promote relaxation. Eucalyptus, chamomile, and frankincense are also great calming scents.

Having a diffuser going or a candle lit is also a simple way to create a warmer atmosphere which can also help you to relieve stress. 

What are your favourite ways to relieve stress? Leave them below so we can all get inspired. 💛

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about the author


Hey there! I’m Jasmine, founder of the Sustainable Bliss Collective, a Certified Meditation Teacher, and lover of all things self-care, slow-living, and personal development.

I believe that ambition and self-care can coexist, and as such I hope to encourage and inspire you to take care of yourself, breathe deeply, connect with who you are, manifest your dreams, enjoy the blissful moments of each day, and make an impact in this beautiful world we call home.

Connect with me on Instagram here!

Jasmine Irven

I help women reduce stress and inflammation through simple, plant-based nutrition, cleansing meditation sessions, and resources to connect mind, body, and soul.


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