5 simple ways to welcome the spirit of summer

written by Allie Annand

Each season is an opportunity to connect with ourselves and harmonize with nature. When we can allow ourselves to transition into a new season with mindfulness and intention our energy is heightened and our life flows with more ease and grace.

Summer is always a warm welcome after winterʼs hibernation and springʼs regeneration. Summer reminds us to admire everything we have been so busy planting in spring and to enjoy the moment.

Our breath correlates to the seasons. Summer is the pause at the top of the inhale. It is a full breath and a sense of fullness of life. We can feel ourselves come back into the fullness of existence as we shed our solitary existences of winter and spring for socializing, connection to nature and enjoying the simple pleasures of life.

the seasonʼs significance

“The Chinese five-element system splits summer into two parts. Early summer takes on the fire element, with its passion, intensity, and friction. While captivating, this fire can spiral out of control if weʼre not careful- burning the candle at both ends. Late summer, on the other hand, is associated with the earth element of settling, grounding, and reconnecting with our roots in preparation for fall. Itʼs a moment to come back down to reality following a period spend looking outward and upward.”

The Spirit Almanac

Summer is the yang to winterʼs yin. It is beneficial to keep some yin energy and yin practices within our summer season to avoid dehydration, exhaustion and burn out.

In Ayurvedic science, Summer is ruled by the dosha Pitta. All medicines and philosophies illustrate the intensity and heat summer can bring and how it can cause imbalance in our lives if we are not mindful. Here are 10 Ayurvedic tips for summer to stay calm and cool this season.

The lesson of Summer is to celebrate and ignite our spirits with joy and uplifting energy while also staying grounded and calm. To learn how to fill yourself up with all that brings you joy and merriment, but not overindulge.

summer is a time to:

  • connect to the sunshine energy of life

  • express joy, laughter, and freedom

  • experience fun and merriment

  • socialize and connect to nature

  • let go of your to-do list and focus on your bucket list

  • check in on your life goals and intentions and take time to reassess and refine

  • enjoy lifeʼs simple pleasures. Stop and smell the roses. Watch the sunrise.

  • embrace your inner child. Be playful and light hearted.

There is a big shift in ourselves when we become aligned with the energy of the season. We feel connected, in flow, grounded, but also ignited, relaxed yet energised. Connecting with each season is an amazing way to empower your life.

so, how do we connect with the season of summer?

For me, the best way to fully connect to anything is by being present. Present to the changes of summer and present to the energy of summer. A wonderful tool to become more present and connected to the seasons is through mindful awareness of our senses.

Becoming conscious of our senses enables us to slow down (balancing into the yin energy of summer), and fully immerse into the energy of summer.

Letʼs embody a sensual experience with summer.

Sensual // “Being sensual means paying attention to, and enjoying, the things that your senses are telling you. It means experiencing pleasure through your senses by appreciating beautiful smells, delicious tastes, interesting sounds, and the pleasure of touch.”

— Anne Alloway

Here is how to bring the senses into your every day experience this summer.


One of my favourite ways to engage with the energy of a season is by bringing the flowers of the season into my home. I like to pick beautiful frangipanis (plumerias) in summer from the tree in front of my home and place them around my house where I will see them. Pick your favourite seasonal flower and put it somewhere you can admire its beauty!

Summer is a time of boundless sun, take time to enjoy the summer sunrise or sunset.


Many of us hold such a strong connection to smell. Smell connects us to memories, experiences and feelings. Bring the feeling of summer into your home by burning your favourite summery candle. As you burn the candle watch the flame and be reminded how summer is impacting your inner flame.

Essential oils are another powerful way to connect to smell and raise your vibration. Here is a great essential oil blend to put in your diffuser.

Tropical Oasis

  • 4 drops wild orange

  • 3 drops grapefruit

  • 2 drops sandalwood

  • 1 drop Ylang Ylang


One of my favourite practices to connect with each season is by drinking a herbal tea blend that correlates to the season. Herbal teas are wonderful to promote a healthy lifestyle, they come packed with many health benefits and are super easy to make.

Enjoy this herbal tea blend for summer. I donʼt really measure my herbs I just try for equal parts. You can enjoy this tea hot or have it has a cold refreshing drink.

Summertime Herbal Tea

  • Peppermint

  • Lemon balm

  • Hibiscus

  • Rosehip

  • Optional add dried goji berries for an extra burst of goodness

Another great practice to keep you hydrated this summer is adding your favourite fruits to your water. Slice up some oranges or limes. Add some strawberries and a half of lemon to your water. I love to put lychees and strawberries in my water for some serious summer goodness.


A beautiful practice to relax the mind from the overstimulation energy of summer is by listening to the gentle sound of waves. Listening to the sound of waves de-stimulates the brain and has a calming effect on our nervous system. It brings a yin quality that helps balance out the yang energy of summer. Listening to the soothing sound of waves also connects you to the healing element of water and nature.

I like the artist Calming Waves on Spotify to serenade me into tranquility. If the sound of waves isnʼt your thing any calming music will work. Another great artist for deep relaxation is Sleep Lab. Listening to just 10-15min as you wind down before bed is a great way to reduce any over stimulation from the summer energy.


This is the time to enjoy the warmth of the summer sun. Let the sunʼs golden rays heal your body and soothe your soul.

There is something so delightful and relaxing about laying in the sun. As the sunʼs rays touch your body and kiss your face there are many health benefits to enjoy:

  • Improved mood

  • Improved sleep

  • Strengthens the immune system

  • Reduces stress

  • Helps to maintain a healthy weight

Enjoy your fun in the sun with daily moderate sun exposure for at least 20 minutes a day. Always protect your skin with sunscreen of course! This is my favourite reef safe brand and vegan brand, Sun Bum.

Another great practice to enjoy during summer is sun gazing. a powerful way to enhance your physical, mental and spiritual self. Here is a great article on it.

I hope you enjoy these practices. I hope they help you to feel more aligned to the energy of summer and to harness summers uplifting vibrations to inspire you on your journey.

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about the author


Iʼm Allie. A yoga teacher, healer, holistic counsellor and space holder with well over a decade of experience. Iʼm a lover of life with an ocean soul and a mama of 3.

I hold space for you to discover the Art of Whole Living. The Art of Whole Living is a journey of self discover, self transformation and deep self love. Whole Living is an inspiring and radiant way of being. Weaving together inspiring wisdom, uplifting practices, beautiful rituals and daily life tools I help you create your Whole Living Practice. A lifestyle practice that inspires you daily and radiates you light. I help you embody the fullest version of you. My 1-1 coaching sessions and online courses empower you to create a life you love through embodied practices and empowering wisdom.

Connect with Allie on Instagram @allie_annand or on her website.

Jasmine Irven

I help women reduce stress and inflammation through simple, plant-based nutrition, cleansing meditation sessions, and resources to connect mind, body, and soul.


welcoming in the summer physically, mentally, and energetically


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