welcoming in the summer physically, mentally, and energetically

written by Jasmine Irven

With its sunlight, blossoming flowers, longer days, and beautiful weather the summer offers energies of newness, opportunity, light and warmth. 

We can mimic these energies in our own life by shifting a few things and leaning into the season. Here’s how to welcome in the summer season physically, mentally, and energetically. 


body: welcoming summer in physically 

01 shift the foods you’re consuming

While in the cooler months we’re often craving warmer foods in order to keep us cozy and nourished, in the summer our bodies start to crave more raw foods. Invite in more raw fruits, vegetables and uncooked meals into your life to support your body in this season. Smoothies, juices, and iced drinks are also great options.

02 consume local

Research local fruits and vegetables and consume what’s in season. The summer season offers so many locally grown fruits and vegetables so take advantage! While of course this depends on your location, often times berries are plentiful, as are corn, asparagus, tomatoes, lettuce and greens.

03 stay hydrated

While of course this is important year round, hydration in the summer months is particularly important as we’re often outside and sweating more and so our bodies need to be replenished.

04 bask in the sunlight

Wearing SPF and protective clothing, of course!

05 go outside more

Enjoy the sunshine and warm weather while you can. Reconnect with nature.

06 shift your movement

Shift to more seasonal movement such as getting outdoors more, walking and biking, swimming, and more. Don’t be afraid to shift what your workouts look like! Embrace variety.

07 shift your sleep schedule

Enjoy the longer summer evenings and extended daylight, or wake up earlier to bask in the early morning light. Reconnect with the rhythms of nature to reset your circadian rhythm and invite in a summer routine that feels good.

mind: welcoming summer in mentally 

01 journal

Journal on your intentions for the summer season (see our journaling prompts below!). Connect with your intuition to determine where you want to put your time and energy this season.

02 schedule more free time into your calendar

Give yourself space and time to simply be, and to move with the flow and energy of the day.

03 say no more

Make an effort to say no to obligations more and instead start saying yes to yourself. Invite in the concepts of rest and relaxation, rather than hustle and traditional productivity by creating space for yourself. Bask in the freedom of an open calendar.

04 brain dump journal

Brain dump journal to clear your mind. Often times our mind is so full that it’s hard to make space for anything else. The beginning of a new month and season is a great time to take a look at what you’re holding onto and release anything you need to.

05 clean + declutter

Another great practice to revisit each season. Deep clean and reorganize your space, creating room for greater space and clarity. 

06 transition out your wardrobe

Transition out your wardrobe, shifting to more summer-inspired pieces. Go through the

07 celebrate your wins 

We’re halfway through the year! What have you already accomplished? Whether you’ve accomplished some of your bigger goals or not, it’s important to celebrate the things that you have done. This will help to give you a boost of motivation to continue making progress through the duration of the year.

08 practise gratitude

Write a list of things you’re grateful for this season. While looking forward towards the future and what you want to bring into your life is important, it’s also essential to recognize what you already have in your life. And leaning into this energy of appreciation will allow you to bring more of it into your life.

soul: welcoming summer in energetically 

01 create a summer playlist

What songs make you feel excited to embrace the energy of summer? Think: road trips, camping, sitting by the water, basking in the sunlight. Lean into those feelings when you’re creating your playlist.

02 lean into summer activities

Schedule in more summer activities like camping, picnics, and hiking. What would you love to do this summer?

03 spend more time with friends and family

After so much time apart, if you can safely travel to reconnect with friends and family, give yourself the opportunity to.

04 do a social media cleanse

This is a great thing to do seasonally to reassess the content you’re consuming and the people you’re following. Are the people you’re following bringing you joy or stress? Inspiration or feelings of comparison?

05 ask yourself what you need this season 

You are unique. Consider what you need individually from any curated list. Do these things resonate? How do you want to feel? Journal on this with the prompts below to see what you need this season, and what you want to bring into your life.

06 disconnect more regularly

In the cooler months when we’re inside more it can be easy to rely on technology, but if you’re able to get outside more and appreciate the beauty of nature, and simply being as you are, you can start to rely on tech less. Disconnect. Invite in a mix of in-person connection and solitude to replenish your energy.

journal prompts to check in with yourself: 

  • What wins have I experienced over the past 6-months? What am I super grateful for?

  • What intentions did I set at the beginning of the year? How much energy have I put into those areas of my life?

  • Are those intentions still exciting to me or have things shifted? 

  • Where do I want to put more of my energy moving forward? What does that look like? 

  • What do I need to release in order to make space for those new intentions? 

How are you inviting in the summer? We’d love to know! Drop your suggestions in the comments.

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about the author

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Hey there! I’m Jasmine, founder of the Sustainable Bliss Collective, a Certified Meditation Teacher, and lover of all things self-care, slow-living, and personal development.

I believe that ambition and self-care can coexist, and as such I hope to encourage and inspire you to take care of yourself, breathe deeply, connect with who you are, manifest your dreams, enjoy the blissful moments of each day, and make an impact in this beautiful world we call home.

Connect with me on Instagram here!

Jasmine Irven

I help women reduce stress and inflammation through simple, plant-based nutrition, cleansing meditation sessions, and resources to connect mind, body, and soul.


celebrating where you’re at: a meditation script


5 simple ways to welcome the spirit of summer