19 ways to create a fresh start for yourself

written by Jasmine Irven

It’s easy to feel that beloved “fresh start” energy at the beginning of the year. Maybe even at the beginning of each month. 

There’s just a certain feeling that accompanies these times in the calendar, and these can be beautiful times to start something new, make a change in your life or let go of an old habit. 

But the reality is we can choose to start fresh at any point during the year. 

The concept of “new year, new me” is heavily promoted yes, but it’s just a construct.

Each day, each moment is a new opportunity for us to readjust. 

To change our minds. 

To implement something new. 

So, here is a brain-dump style compilation of ways to create this fresh start energy, at any point. 

01 - start a new journal

There is something incredibly exciting and inspirational about getting a new journal, or using an old journal in a new way. 

Blank pages hold a great sense of opportunity, with the recognition that you can choose to use them in whatever way will serve you best. 

Whether it’s to hold new ideas or journal prompts, to brain-dump a to-do list to help you achieve your vision, to allow for creative expression or a space to create a new productivity system, there is a lot of potential to be had. 

02 - take a break 

If you’re feeling like you need a fresh start, it’s likely you’ve been feeling like you’re in a rut in some way. 

So, instead of forcing yourself to push through it, give yourself time to rest, unwind, and reevaluate. 

03 - take stock of where you’re at and the shifts you want to make

Similar to above, if you feel like you need a fresh start it means something in your life isn’t currently working. So, give yourself time to get honest and clear with what’s going on. 

What’s currently not working? What strategies have you been using that need to change? 

We all have strategies we run internally to help us make decisions. These strategies become so ingrained in us that we run them automatically without even thinking about them. 

But chances are if you aren’t getting the results you need, you need to change the strategies you have in place. 

04 - declutter spaces of your home 

We’ve spoken before about the energy clutter can hold, and oftentimes that energy is heavy and draining. 

If our eyes have too much to look at or we feel like we don’t have control over our surroundings, it can be challenging to focus on the tasks that are truly important to us. 

And beyond that, if we have things in our homes that aren’t supportive of the life we want to be living, it’s incredibly hard to make forward progress. 

Whether it’s a drawer in your home, your closet, the fridge or cupboards, take some time to note which areas of your home need some attention, and the changes you could make that would support this next phase of life. 

05 - move your furniture 

This is a great way to switch things up with what you already have! Simply moving your furniture around can allow for new energy flow in the room, and can simultaneously bring that new energy into your life. 

06 - unsubscribe from promotional emails 

Let’s be honest, these emails are rarely serving us. Instead, they are likely causing our inbox to fill up too quickly to manage, causing us a sense of stress or being “behind” and/or are encouraging us to purchase things we don’t need (causing more internal conflict and/or financial struggle). 

Now, we’re not suggesting you need to create an “inbox zero” goal (unless you want to in which case you go for it), or that you can’t be signed up for emails you genuinely like receiving (hello, we send weekly emails ourselves that we pour a lot of time + energy into and hope inspire you).

However, this is about taking stock of what you signed up for that you don’t want to be any longer, and choosing to curate a more intentional inbox.

07 - unfollow people online who aren’t serving you

In a similar sense, we’re also all for intentionally curating your newsfeed on all the social apps you choose to be on. 

Technology is a super helpful tool (and can be used to improve our lives in many ways), but the energy behind it is extremely important.

If every time you log into Instagram or YouTube you find yourself comparing where you’re at with those in your newsfeed, feeling anxious, or scrolling mindlessly, it may be time to make some changes. 

Get honest with yourself when you’re scrolling and start to mute or unfollow accounts that aren’t serving this season of your life. 

08 - brain dump to ease your mind 

Whenever I’m feeling scattered or overwhelmed, my go-to practice is a brain dump. This popular journaling practice simply involves writing down anything and everything that pops into your mind, on a blank sheet of paper. 

This might mean writing down worries, unfinished items on your to-do list, business ideas, or a combination of all of these. 

While getting things down on paper seems like a small step, I really find it helps me to *exhale* – clearing the mind just a little so I can figure out what is helpful, what my next step is and/or where to focus my time and energy. 

09 - meditate 

Meditation is a beautiful practice to connect with yourself, the present moment, and all that’s on your heart. 

If you feel like you need some direction in your life for this new chapter or season, play with the idea that you likely already have all of the ideas within. 

What would happen if you began to listen to your intuition a little bit more? To trust yourself a little bit more? To prioritize your thoughts, your energy, your feelings? 

Meditation allows this connection with self in an incredibly powerful way. You may be surprised at the answers that come up when you allow yourself to simply be!

10 - have a shower 

Having a shower is a great way to shake up your energy. It’s time when you are completely disconnected (I hope); there’s no consumption of other people’s thoughts or energy and you can simply be with yourself. 

And from this place, beautiful ideas can come up; incredible mindset shifts can occur; and energy can simply flow. 

Beyond that, the physical cleansing that shower water provides is a great metaphor for an energetic cleanse.

Try a mini shower meditation by visualizing all of your worries, doubts, and limiting beliefs going down the drain with the water, allowing a fresh start to present itself to you. 

11 - go on a walk 

Getting fresh air is almost never a bad idea.

It can help to wake you up, spark inspiration, clear your mind, and allow your nervous system to calm, so that you can come back to whatever it is you’re doing with a new set of eyes, and a greater sense of peace. 

12 - start a new book or hobby

If you just need a little boost of inspiration, starting a new book or hobby is a great way to get your brain wiring in new ways. 

It’s also perfect for creating that fresh start feeling because it literally is a fresh start. You’re diving into something completely new and that allows for incredible opportunity and possibility.

Switch things up! Do something you wouldn’t normally do. Try a new genre of book. Try a hobby that you’ve always wanted to but thought you couldn’t. 

The best part of this is that no one has to know. There are no expectations that need to be associated with it. This is simply for you. 

13 - take yourself on a date 

I love this idea just as an incredible practice of self-love and connection with self. This is another great way to connect with YOU to figure out how you want to move forward. 

Taking a break from the external. 

Taking a break from having to show up in any certain way, or prove anything to anybody.

Simply being with yourself and getting clear on what’s important to you. 

14 - make a new vision board 

Physical or digital, this is a great way to revisit your goals, intentions, and overall vision for what you want your life to look like moving forward. 

Ideally it will help inspire you to take the actions you need to, in order to make that a reality. 

15 - set-up new boundaries 

Boundaries are a huge theme and topic coming up in our membership and just in general. 

And I think the reason they’re such a popular discussion topic is because so many of us have so little boundaries! 

We’re constantly connected, constantly trying to “prove ourselves,” constantly working longer hours, etc., and all of that adds up to all parts of our lives spilling into one another. 

So, whether you need boundaries around your work hours, your social media usage, or your relationships, setting these based on what you want your life to look like, and actually beginning to enforce them, is a great way to draw a line in the sand and move forward with new energy.

16 - create a plan 

When we’re looking for a fresh start, sometimes we remain stuck (even though we know we need change) because we’re overwhelmed with how much there is to be done and don’t know where to start. 

In that case, let’s figure out a way to simply get started! 

Create a plan around the changes you want to make. Write things down. Create goals or set intentions. Break them down into smaller steps. Get accountable with someone. 

These intentional steps and planning can help ease you into the process of change and starting fresh, making it more enjoyable and less daunting. 

17 - create new routines 

If you’re feeling stuck or stagnant, it may be time to reassess the routines you have in your life. 

What does your morning look like? How do you spend your evenings? 

It’s sometimes a great thing when routines become habitual because it means they require less effort, but at the same time if you’re simply doing things because that’s “how you’ve always done them,” it’s possible it’s time to switch things up. 

Try implementing a new habit, switching around the order of the practices you know and love, or getting rid of the routine altogether and starting from scratch to allow yourself to be re-inspired. 

18 - change jobs 

When I was working in corporate my energy and excitement about the job simply didn’t last for very long because I was out of alignment with the company values, and wasn’t spending my days how I wanted to be. 

While I couldn’t “jump ship” right away logistically and financially, slowly making progress towards starting my own business was a HUGE way I was able to bring excitement and purpose back into my life. 

So, whether you’re in a position where you know your job isn’t right and you can make the switch quickly, or you need to give yourself a little run-way, know that you don’t need to stay in the same job forever. 

Know that you can change your career or life path, regardless of how old you are or how long you’ve been in the position you’re in. 

It’s never too late to change your mind.

19 - move 

Whether it’s moving your body by dancing or working out, or physically moving towns or countries (to travel or live), movement can help to shake up your energetic being like nothing else! 

journaling prompts: 

I hope that these ideas have sparked some inspiration as to how you can switch things up in your own life. 

Whether you choose to do a few of these or none of them, the important thing is that you make the decisions that will be most impactful for you. 

That’s why it’s so important to give yourself time to sit with yourself first to gain clarity on what needs to shift. 


  • What do you feel needs to change? Where has your energy felt stuck or stagnant? 

  • What does your dream life look like? How does that version of you show up in your daily life? 

  • What 2-3 shifts would make the biggest difference for you right now? 

Let us know what shifts you’re making in the comments! 

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about the author

Hey there! I’m Jasmine, founder of the Sustainable Bliss Collective, a Certified Meditation Teacher, and lover of all things self-care, slow-living, and personal development.

I believe that ambition and self-care can coexist, and as such I hope to encourage and inspire you to take care of yourself, breathe deeply, connect with who you are, manifest your dreams, enjoy the blissful moments of each day, and make an impact in this beautiful world we call home.

Connect with me on Instagram here!

Jasmine Irven

I help women reduce stress and inflammation through simple, plant-based nutrition, cleansing meditation sessions, and resources to connect mind, body, and soul.


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