8 health and wellness goals that will actually improve your life

written by Jasmine Irven

The new year often holds talk of new year resolutions and goals, encouraging you to sit down and create a list of all the things in your life you want to work on.

While many might find this fun and exciting, I also want to provide a voice for those who are simply overwhelmed by this concept.

Life is busy, and chaotic, and often we already have more than enough on our to-do list without adding a number of new things we need to improve on.

And so, if this sounds like you, I’d encourage you to find a new system.

Instead of focusing on specific goals, which offer an “end point”; a “yes I completed this” or a “no I didn’t complete this”; a “pass or fail,” let’s focus on setting some intentions.

We have a full post about intention setting here, but essentially setting an intention means choosing an area of your life where you’d like to focus more of your energy.

It’s broad, and offers room for all the ongoings of the world, while still giving you a direction that feels good and nourishing to your soul.

Here are 8 examples of intentions that you might find helpful to work towards this year.

And by the way, if you’re a sucker for setting goals - that’s also awesome! We have a full goal setting guide here. However, this post is likely still worth a read to see if you can add some intentions to your year as well.

1. practising creativity

When you were younger, what did creativity look like to you? Did you enjoy writing? Drawing or painting? Regular crafting?

What does creativity look like to you now? How has your relationship changed? Often as we grow our inner child gets forgotten, along with practises like being creative. Whether we’re told that we aren’t good enough to “succeed” creatively and therefore stop pursuing it, or our schedule simply gets so full that it doesn’t allow for creativity, trying to make more time to practise creativity once again is a valuable intention that might resonate with you.

If on the other hand you are a creative professional, it might still be worth looking at how your relationship with creativity has changed!

2. creating more space for things that bring you joy

How often do you ask yourself what you want to do? Not what you should do, or what someone else told you to do, but what would actually fill your cup and bring you joy in the moment?

Create more space for that. Make it less of a rare occurrence. Connect with yourself and your intuition enough that you can easily list the things that bring you joy and peace, and give yourself enough space in your day to experience these things regularly.

3. being more than doing

We are not meant to constantly be “on” — moving from thing to thing, meeting to meeting, checking items off of our to-do list incessantly. We are meant to have space and time to simply enjoy being where we are in the moment. To appreciate the moment as it is because it’s truly all we have. Lean more into that.

4. becoming more and more at peace with who you are

Remind yourself that you are enough exactly as you are. Remind yourself of this every day, as you learn and grow, strive to hit new goals, accomplish new things, or simply as you lay in bed.

5. cultivating relationships that are meaningful

Connection and community are so important. Find people that you can relate to. That lift you up. That inspire you and push you and encourage you. Cultivate those relationships.

And more than anything else? Cultivate your relationship with yourself.

6. nourishing any area of life that feels it needs it

Many coaching programs and methodologies involve looking at your different life areas, and setting goals within each of them. These life areas are generally include some variation on the following:

  • career

  • finances

  • friends, family, love

  • fun

  • physical health

  • mental health

  • personal and spiritual development

  • physical environment

While of course not all of these will be in “balance” all of the time, it is important to nourish whichever ones you feel you may be neglecting. Each season will look different! Where do you want to spend more of your energy? Focus on giving this area some love.

7. resolving to be open to new perspectives

We can never learn and grow if we aren’t open to new perspectives. This intention is about leaning into the experience of others - becoming aware of new perspectives, recognizing that we simply don’t know everything. Our beliefs are built based on our own experiences and what we’ve been taught and when we simply accept these beliefs as fact or as unwavering, we are doing ourselves and others a disservice. Commit to learning over simply justifying what you already know.

8. taking care of your body, mind, and soul

No matter what season of life you’re in, chances are there are new ways you can show yourself some love: nurturing your body through movement and good food, your mind through reading or journaling, and your soul through connection and purpose. Be flexible in this, give yourself the opportunity to try new strategies or techniques, to focus on your mind one day and your body the next, to listen to your intuition. Fill your cup first.

final thoughts

The purpose of this post is not to give you 8 more things you need to worry about accomplishing. Rather it’s to give you inspiration. To give you new ideas that you can take or leave or modify to suit your lifestyle and what feels best in this season of your life.

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about the author


Hey there! I’m Jasmine, founder of the Sustainable Bliss Collective, a Certified Meditation Teacher, and lover of all things self-care, slow-living, and personal development.

I believe that ambition and self-care can coexist, and as such I hope to encourage and inspire you to take care of yourself, breathe deeply, connect with who you are, manifest your dreams, enjoy the blissful moments of each day, and make an impact in this beautiful world we call home.

Connect with me on Instagram here!

Jasmine Irven

I help women reduce stress and inflammation through simple, plant-based nutrition, cleansing meditation sessions, and resources to connect mind, body, and soul.


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